Hello Readers!
In my (sort of) monthly YOLO…You Only Live Once newsletter I wrote about “… a Failure to Communicate” and being present. I relayed a story about an interaction I witnessed that saddened me where someone was totally absent from the scene – Really AWOL – like there was an invisible wall between her and others.
Lately, in separate discussions with several friends we marveled at how busy people seem and how many balls people seem to be juggling at any given time. The volume and frequency of interactions with others through technology, especially phone and email, are supposed to connect us, yet so often seems to divide us – making quantity count over quality. Then we find we feel overwhelmed and disconnected from self and others.
It’s okay to call me old-fashioned because I adore a simple, old fashioned, lingering, face-to-face, one-to-one conversation over tea. I still cherish a memory from over 20 years ago when a friend and I shared an impromptu morning sitting on a stoop in San Francisco drinking coffee, munching on bagels and chattering away for hours without any sense of time. How often do we let ourselves do that anymore?
What brings you present to yourself, with others?
Love to hear what you have to say!
My Best,
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