Hello Everyone!
I enjoyed writing about Passion in my recent e-zine newsletter. Passion is really a strong word- maybe even so strong a word that we shy away from it. AND, we all know what it means for us. It could be that it conjures up images of lustful sexual desire and romance novels. Here I am referring to a really strong drive, desire or interest- something that brings great pleasure.
What are you passionate about? What gets your mojo going? Recently, when I walked with a friend in the woods she told her story about her recent family trip to the US Midwest. She described in the most vivid, technicolor detail the idyllic hike she took with her family in an astounding canyon. Her entire being expressed the passion she felt; her almost glassy eyes, her voice, her word choice and her body language. I almost felt like I was there too. When passion speaks you hear it AND feel it.
What do you get passionate about? What lights you up. There’s enough bad news in the media. This is a feel good place. So let’s start a passion poll!
Complete any sentence you choose or create your own!
I love it when_______________________________________
I get fired up when I talk about the time when______________
I can’t wait until I get to ________________________ again
I wish every day I could have the experience of____________
I feel so alive when__________________________________
Can’t wait to here what you have to say.
My Best,
YOLO…You Only Live Once
I love it when I can make a difference in someone else’s life or I can see how my hard work have paid off.
I get fired up when I talk about the time when I fund raised to send my daughter to Europe and all the great people I came in contact with.
I can’t wait until I get to a decent paying job again
I wish every day I could have the experience of learning something new or feeling like I have accomplished a task that I haven’t gotten around to.
I feel so alive when I am walking in the park and hearing the birds chirp and feeling the sun against my skin.
Thanks for your comments – both public and private. I noticed that I have received numerous private comments in response to the recent newsletter and this brief blog – most having to do with the permisison they have given themselves to ponder their own passions.
If is nice to know that there is quiet percolating going on out there!