“No creature can fly with just one wing.
Gifted leadership occurs where head and heart – feeling and thought – meet.
These are the two wings that allow a leader to soar.”
– Daniel Goleman
Why Emotions Matter at Work:
As a leader your job is about being in relationship with others and getting people to be self-directed. How adept are you at
- handling yourself and your relationships?
- driving collective emotions in a positive direction?
- clearing toxic emotions?
Emotional Intelligence skills define how effectively you perceive, understand, reason with and manage your own and others’ feelings. These skills are essential to creating quality interpersonal working relationships.
- Our emotions influence the way we think and the decisions we make.
- Our feelings also influence our outward behavior like body language and tone of voice.
- Research indicates that emotional intelligence skills significantly contribute to leadership, management and teamwork effectiveness.
Emotional Intelligence is the foundation that creates relationships that work!
Emotional Intelligence =
Awareness + Reflection + Insight + Skills in Action
There are 7 core skills that correlate with being emotionally intelligent. The good news is that these emotional intelligence competencies can be enhanced. That’s why assessment, coaching and training are such useful tools.
The Approach:
You can’t change what you don’t know about. An on-line, state of the art multi-rater 360 degree assessment is used for you to gain:
- a greater self-awareness around your impact on others
- a clear understanding of where your strengths in EI are
- a clear understanding of an area of potential EI development and
- a personal plan for beginning that process
The Genos 360 EI is the only emotional intelligence assessment instrument that is:
- Designed specifically for workplace applications by internationally recognized thought leaders
- Supported by measurable ROI results
Coaching is a powerful tool for optimizing your emotional intelligence skills. After debriefing the Genos 360 EI assessment findings the focus is on learning more about each of the 7 core skills and how to develop and apply them in real scenarios.
See Coaching for more information…
Here is a Success Story about Emotional Intelligence at Work….
Marie was a hard-driving, high-output supervisor who worked hard to over-deliver every day and:
- expected nothing less than that from her subordinates.
- was hard on her staff as a matter of course, critical of what they didn’t do and rarely complimentary of what they did do.
She was a “productivity” machine and “positivity” was essentially absent from her radar screen. Her staff resisted and avoided her and at times even left her office in tears. She had limited self-awareness of how her leadership and communication style impacted others.
Through coaching, she first tapped into her own emotional awareness and emotional self-expression, and then grew a greater emotional awareness of others. She learned emotional self-management techniques and applied them daily. She remained highly productive and her interaction style ‘softened’, better able to to connect with her staff. She came to understand the power of her words, tone and body language and how to use them for positive impact.
The bottom line – Marie saved her job, developed a greater understanding of how she operated and what her staff needed from her as a leader. She was able to generate a positive and more satisfying work environment for others and herself.
Emotional Intelligence skills are competencies. That means they can be improved.
The “Increasing Productivity with Emotional Intelligence” introductory workshop will review:
- what emotional intelligence is
- why it is important to demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviors at work
- how emotional intelligence is related to success in your role as a leader
- each of the 7 core emotional intelligence competencies in brief
The “Engage and Lead through Emotional Intelligence” Series involves an in depth look over time at each of the 7 skills of the Genos EI model.
- For greater impact the format combines content and coaching.
- Between training sessions participants have ‘homework’ to apply.
- Each session is seamlessly link to the next.
- This building block approach provides the opportunity to apply learning and truly work on skill development in real circumstances.
That’s what makes the learning stick and contributes to true leadership growth.
Learn more about the “Engage and Lead through Emotional Intelligence” Series …
The Result…
When you develop and apply your emotional intelligence skills at work you can expect:
- More engagement
- More ability to deal with conflict
- To think more clearly in stressful situations
- More productivity
- Better team results
- More satisfaction at work
A Last Note…
In the New York Times bestselling book, A Whole New Mind, the author Daniel Pink outlines the imperative for developing our right brain directed thinking. The right hemisphere focuses on interpreting how we communicate with one another – it the nonverbal, often emotional cues that tell a big part of the story.
He goes as far as to say that, in our rapidly changing world that R-Directed Thinking is “suddenly grabbing the wheel, stepping on the gas, and determining where we’re going and how we’ll get there” and that “R-Directed aptitudes…. will increasingly determine who soars and who stumbles.” That’s emotional intelligence!
Life is short. You only live once. How do you want to live yours?
Contact Yolo Coaching
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